**01-Tube Radius Function.sb** ;Babylon.sbi - Tube EnableExplicit IncludeFile "babylon/babylon.sbi" UseModule BJS Enumeration #mf #mfRender EndEnumeration Global Scene, Camera, Tube, TubeMat, Light, ;A tube consists of an array of 3D vectors. Example with 5 vectors Dim TubeVectors.NewVector(4) Declare LoadGame() Declare.f Radius(Position, Distance.f) Declare RenderGame() ;Window & Render OpenWindow(#mf, 0, 0, 900, 600, "CreateTube()", #PB_Window_ScreenCentered) CanvasGadget(#mfRender, 0, 0, 900, 600, #PB_Canvas_Transparent) ;Init Babylon with a render on a canvas and load game InitEngine(@LoadGame(), #mfRender) Procedure LoadGame() Scene = CreateScene() If Scene ;Camera & Light Camera = CreateCamera("camera", 0, 10, 20, #BJS_ArcRotate) Light = CreateLight("light", 0, 10, 0, 1) ;Create Tube TubeVectors(0)\x = 0 TubeVectors(0)\y = 0 TubeVectors(0)\z = 0 TubeVectors(1)\x = 0 TubeVectors(1)\y = 1 TubeVectors(1)\z = 0 TubeVectors(2)\x = 0 TubeVectors(2)\y = 2 TubeVectors(2)\z = 0 TubeVectors(3)\x = 0 TubeVectors(3)\y = 3 TubeVectors(3)\z = 0 TubeVectors(4)\x = 0 TubeVectors(4)\y = 4 TubeVectors(4)\z = 0 ;The creation of this tube uses a procedure to calculate the rasius of each vector Tube = CreateTube("My tube", TubeVectors(), 0, 32, @Radius()) ;Material TubeMat = CreateMaterial("tube material", "data/textures/misc.jpg") SetMaterial(Tube, TubeMat) RenderLoop(@RenderGame()) EndIf EndProcedure ;This procedure will be called at each point of the path while constructing the tube. ;It will then be passed two arguments : ; -The position of the current point (1, 2, 3, 4, etc ...) ; -The distance of this point from the beginnig of the tube. ; -Your procedure must just return a radius value. Procedure.f Radius(Position, Distance.f) Protected Radius.f Radius = 3 * Cos(Distance / 5); Debug "Position " + Str(Position) + " Radius " + StrF(Radius) ProcedureReturn Radius EndProcedure Procedure RenderGame() RotateMesh(Tube, 0, 0.01, 0, #PB_Relative) RenderWorld() EndProcedure